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Sawa Sawa Residency Program

Residency program to support the Palestinian artistic and cultural scene in times of crisis In a context of acute crisis affecting harshly the Palestinian cultural scene, the French Institute of Jerusalem has partnered with Palestinian and French organizations to design a residency program that will organize around 50 residencies (around …

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Gheilan, la tournée en France ! Palestine Connect 2023

Palestine Connect 2023 : Le groupe Gheilan, composé de Maen Al Ghoul, Canaan Al Ghoul, Mohammed Al Ghoul trois frères originaires de Jérusalem. Ce groupe instrumental est très imprégné de musique traditionnelle palestinienne. Gheilan a été sélectionné par le jury de professionnel de Palestine Connect 2023 et s’envolera pour la France en septembre …

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Appel à candidatures – artistes plasticiens

 هل تبحث/ين عن #فرصة لتعزيز تجربتك في مجال #الفنون_البصرية، من خلال تبادل الخبرات مع فنانين يعملون بوسائط متعددة ومن ثقافات متنوعة، والإقامة في أحد استوديوهات المدينة الدولية للفنون في باريس؟ تعلن كل من مؤسسة عبد المحسن #القطان، ومؤسسة التعاون، والقنصلية الفرنسية العامة في القدس، عن بدء استقبال الطلبات الخاصة بإقامة …

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Festival de danse contemporaine de Ramallah

Festival de danse contemporaine de Ramallah : La troupe de danse française MAZELFRETEN a ouvert le festival de danse contemporaine de Ramallah (photo). Le festival s’est tenu du 15 au 22 juin à Ramallah, pendant une semaine, l’heure était à la danse, avec la présence d’une quinzaine de troupes locales …

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Exposition « Palestinian Heritage Trail »

Exposition « La grande traversée de la Palestine » : Grâce à un travail conjoint entre l’Agence française de développement (AFD), de l’association palestinienne « Palestinian heritage trail » vous pouvez désormais découvrir la richesse de la Palestine au travers d’un sentier de grande randonnée allant du nord-ouest de Jénine au sud-ouest d’Hébron. L’exposition …

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Palestine Connect 2023 – Fête de la musique

Palestine Connect 2023 / Fête de la musique 2023 🎉 L’Institut français de Jérusalem a célébré au sein de l’ensemble de ses antennes la musique ! Dans le cadre du programme Palestine Connect 2023, les trois lauréats, Dinamiin, Osprey V et Gheilan ont joués sur scène devant un public enchanté. …

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Palestine Connect

FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION, CLICK HERE APPEL À CANDIDATURES Le Festival Arabesques (France) et l’Institut Français de Jérusalem, en partenariat avec Delia Arts Foundation, Palestine Music Expo et Sabreen, présentent : Palestine Music Connect Incubateur de projets musicaux en Palestine Palestine Music Connect, qu’est-ce que c’est ? Palestine Music Connect, est un …

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Here are the links for: 👉 Call for projects 2021 – Grand Paris Express 👉 Video of Pierre Cattan: Virtual cartoons in Palestine 👉Document to download / Virtual cartoon / Call for application 👉 Internship / French Institute in Ramallah / Culure and Communication  

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Appel à candidatures / Open Call

If you want to register for: Sakiya Open Call / Artist Residency 👉 Fête de la Musique / Online Music Contest 👉 To register (for free!) to the online exposition « A Memory From Tomorrow » 👉

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Our platform “The Invisible Link” is available!

The Invisible Link is an innovative platform for interactive discussion about Palestinian and French cultural and creative industries! During the lockdown, what initiatives have been taken? What measures were taken to maintain effective engagement with audiences? How to continue to create despite obstacles? What is the added value of digital transitions? …

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IF Cinéma à la carte !

Dear film-loving people and friends of the Jerusalem French Institute, Come enjoy freely 4 feature films by talented women filmmakers. Sit comfortably home and click on THIS LINK to access which ever film you wish to discover. From February 8 to March 8, you will be able to access ANGÈLE & TONY, HIGH SOCIETY, SCHOOL …

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Bonne année !

L’institut français de Jérusalem vous souhaite une bonne année 2021 !   Swing by Peyruis Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0  Music promoted by Audio Library    Exposition « France eMotion, le voyage animé » Diffusion de films en VR Exposition «Machines à bulles » Hackathon …

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« False Awakening » de Studio 48

Après une journée de travail épuisante, une fille palestinienne s’endort et se retrouve coincée dans un rêve intense, pensant d’être réveillée de sa sieste alors qu’elle rêve encore. On plonge alors avec elle dans une série de songes nous faisant voyager dans son subconscient, nous donnant l’opportunité d’en savoir un …

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Mohammad Joulani

French below Mohammad Joulani is a Palestinian artist who earned a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from Al Quds University in 2009, and currently a student of Contemporary arts Master’s program at Bezalel Art Academy. He taught visual arts at Al Quds University between the years 2011 and 2013. He …

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Khaled Jarada & Hani Al Barie

French below Khaled Jarada is a visual artist, born in 1996, studied multimedia, participated in various local exhibitions, and has experience in drawing comic books for children. Hani Al Barie is a writer, from Palestine, born in 1990, started writing poetry, published his first book entitled “Maybe” in 2013, and …

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Ahmad Kollab

French below Studied Elementary Education at Al -Quds Open University, Co-founder of Terhal Circus Group, Dancer and circus artist at Nablus circus school at the productions ‘Maktoob, Dancing colors and Chairs’, Participated in many local dance performances in Palestine with Outlaw Breakdance crew and Finalist at Smash the wall local …

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Hamza Albakri

French below Hamza Albakri studied French language and literature as a bachelor. I worked in the field of alternative education before starting a master’s in development studies. Published different short stories after participating in the “Ramallah short stories workshop” in 2019. During this quarantine time, life seemed to be very …

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Salma Ataya

French below Salma Ataya is a dancer and choreographer, who started dancing at the age of ten. She was first introduced to Dabkeh (Palestinian traditional dance) then to contemporary dance at Sareyyet Ramallah Dance Company. Salma took part in local and international performances. She has also been teaching dance since …

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Salman Nawati

French below (b. Gaza, 1987) gained his BA degree in Fine Art-Painting from Al-Aqsa University in Gaza. Since 2009, he participated in several exhibitions and auctions. Salman has had three solo exhibitions (Port Hour-2009), (Portiat-2011) and (Reallity-2013). And work on different projects by using various technologies and materials such as …

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Ashira Darwich

French below My relationship with music and Sufi Whirling in Palestine is a fundamental part of my life. I wrote my first song, Tatjallah فلتتجلى, about the search for the love of God within all the folds of pain. I combined my music with my Sufi practice of whirling to fully express …

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Mohamed Abusal

French below Mohamed Abusal. He retrained as an artist in 2000 and attended many workshops and has undertaken much research to develop and refine his artistic skills. Since 2000, he has worked at a prolific rate producing daring and innovative work which has attracted great publicity and garnered much critical acclaim. Projects …

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Mahdi Baraghithi

French below Mahdi Baraghithi (b. 1991, Ramallah, Palestine) is a visual artist who works across a range of media including performance, installation, and collage. He received his MFA from ENSA Bourges, France in 2018, and a BA in Contemporary Visual Art from the International Academy of Art Palestine in 2015. He …

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Yara Odeh et Amer Shomali

French below Amer Shomali is a multidisciplinary artist, using painting, films, digital media, installations, and comics as tools to explore and interact with the sociopolitical scene in Palestine. Shomali co-directed an award-winning animated documentary, The Wanted 18. Shomali holds a master’s degree in Animation from Bournemouth University in the United Kingdom. He is …

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Ali Abu Yaseen

French below Ali Abu Yaseen is a Palestinian actor and director start his in 1990 as an actor then he direct hi first play the Clown in 1994 . Ali start doing TV drama in the last years in the 1990s he received his first best actor award in Tunisia …

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Résidence de gastronomie en France

Les échanges gastronomiques continuent ! L’équipe du restaurant Green Valley de Jéricho est actuellement à Pontivy, en France, dans le restaurant Hyacinte & Robert de Damien le Quillec. Ce chef cuisinier (BIB gourmand) a travaillé dans les restaurants à Jénine et Rawabi dans le cadre de la cinquième édition des …

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Conférence – « Printemps arabe, Hiver Palestinien ? »

Slimane Zeghidour Slimane Zeghidour est un écrivain, chercheur et journaliste français. Né en Kabylie en 1953, il est aujourd’hui rédacteur en chef et éditorialiste à TV5 MONDE. Grand-reporter, il a couvert durant un quart de siècle l’Amérique latine, le Moyen-Orient, la Russie et l’Asie centrale pour Le Monde, Le Nouvel …

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Appel à candidatures • Journée professionnelle de Films Femmes Méditerranée

L’association Films Femmes Méditerranée lance un appel à candidature afin de participer à une journée de workshop et rencontrer des producteurs du bassin méditerranéen le 7 décembre prochain. Cet appel est destiné aux réalisatrices palestiniennes ayant un projet de long-métrage en développement et ayant déjà réalisé un court-métrage. Les dossiers …

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