Agenda – Toutes les antennes

Semaine soufie | الاسبوع الصوفي | Sufi week

Semaine soufie | الاسبوع الصوفي | Sufi week

20 septembre - 3 octobre 2023 Institut français de Jérusalem antenne Chateaubriand

Du 20 au 27 septembre | من٢٠ إلى ٢٧ ايلول | From 20 to 27 September & Mardi 3 octobre | الثلاثاء ٣ تشرين الأول | Tuesday 3 October

Roundtable discussion and exhibition

🖼Exhibition opening : “Calligraphies” by Hani Amra, visual artist, author of “Fanaï: A Sufi Treatise and Notes on Art” (2023)
The Sufi salon in Jerusalem: memory and revival of Sufism in the Holy City.
Jerusalem has a long history of Sufism presence within its walls, but it remains quite unknown and little studied. While there have been as many as 70 active zawiya* in Jerusalem's Old City, attracting pilgrims from all over the Muslim world, today there are only a handful of them remaining, whose activities are limited and not very visible. However, the memory of their existence and their spirituality is still very much alive, and inspires a new generation of Jerusalemites, whether in music, dance, holistic trauma healing, meditation or gastronomy.
🗣Speakers: Firas Al Qazzaz (Sufi singer, sheikh in Al Aqsa Mosque), Izzeldin Bukhari (Chef and founder of SacredCuisine), Ashira Darwish (Sufi dancer and performer, founder of Catharsis holistic healing) and Basma Abu Sway (Certified teacher of transcendental meditation)
Moderated by: Huda al-Imam, founder & former director of the Center for Jerusalem Studies at al-Quds University, cultural activist in preserving Palestinian identity and cultural heritage in Jerusalem.
Wednesday 20th of September at 6:30 pm at the French Institute of Jerusalem - Chateaubriand
In English | Free entry | In partnership with Sabreen Association for Artistic Development

Lecture: What is Sufism? Great figures and spiritual topics in the Sufi tradition

Lecture by Pierre Lory, researcher in Islamic studies, director of studies at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE) in Paris, specialist of the mystic and esoteric movements of Islam.
➡Conférence: Qu’est-ce que le soufisme? Grandes figures et grands thèmes spirituels dans la tradition soufie.
Dans la cadre du cycle “Nouvelles islamologies 2022-2023” de l’ifpo, par Pierre Lory, directeur d’études à l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (études islamiques). Spécialisé dans les courants mystiques et ésotéristes de l’Islam, il a également publié des travaux d’ordre plus général sur la pensée islamique. Pierre Lory a également été maître de conférences en langues et civilisations arabes à l’Université Bordeaux III et directeur scientifique du département des études arabes, médiévales et modernes à l’Institut Français du Proche-Orient de 2007 à 2011. Il a notamment publié Le rêve et ses interprétations en Islam (Albin Michel, 2014), La Dignité de l’homme face aux anges, aux animaux et aux djinns (Albin Michel, 2018), Oublie le chemin, tu parviendras à Dieu - Etudes sur les paradoxes de la mystique musulmane (Les éditions du Cerf, 2023).
Thursday 21st of September at 7 pm at the French Institute of Jerusalem - Chateaubriand
Free Entry | In French | In partnership with the Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo)

☀“The Sufi Jerusalem”

Guided tour in the Old City by Huda Imam, founder & former director of the Center for Jerusalem Studies at al-Quds University, cultural activist in preserving Palestinian identity and cultural heritage in Jerusalem.
Saturday 23rd of September at 4pm
Information & reservation: Whatsapp +972 54 559 5299

Talk & Tasting “Food & Spirituality” by Izzeldin Bukhari Chef and founder of SacredCuisine

Izzeldin Abdul Aziz Bukhari is the self-taught chef and founder of SacredCuisine; a culmination of Izzeldin’s life experiences that are deeply embedded in his Sufi roots. It embodies everything he values and aspires to instill. Originating from Bukhara – Uzbekistan, his family migrated to the Old City of Jerusalem in 1616 AD to teach Sufism. As a young adult he moved to the United States and discovered his passion for cooking when, missing Palestinian cuisine, he experimented with recreating his favorite Palestinian dishes. It was then that he discovered cooking as a form of meditation, through which he could lose himself and connect to the world around him. This experience was transformative, allowing him to mindfully contemplate the world around him and inspiring his vision for SacredCuisine.
Tuesday 26th of September at 7 pm at the French Institute of Jerusalem - Chateaubriand
Ticket : 60 NIS, including 4 finger food pieces | In partnership with SacredCuisine | Information & reservation: / WhatsApp +972 (0)50 470 55 42

Sufi Concert night

Tuesday 3rd of October at 7:30 pm at the French Institute of Jerusalem - Chateaubriand
60 NIS, including 1 traditional drink and knafeh dessert | In partnership with Sabreen association for artistic development | Information & reservation: / WhatsApp +972 (0)50 470 55 42

  • septembre 2023
    • mercredi 20 18 h 30 min - 20 h 00 min
    • jeudi 21 19 h 00 min - 20 h 00 min
    • samedi 23 16 h 00 min - 18 h 00 min
    • mardi 26 19 h 00 min - 20 h 00 min
  • octobre 2023
    • mardi 03 19 h 30 min - 21 h 30 min

Institut français de Jérusalem antenne Chateaubriand

Jerusalem, 23 Salah Eddin street