The new call for applications
The Consulate General in Jerusalem is pleased to inform you of the launch of the new call for applications of the Franco-Palestinian Hubert Curien Program Al Maqdisi 2019-2021. This program is coordinated by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and by the Consulate General of France in Jerusalem.
Please find below the link toward the call for applications, where the criteria and instructions are available.
>> Link to Al Maqdisi Call for Applications
The Al-Maqdisi program aims at developing and strengthening scientific and academic exchanges between French and Palestinian Higher Education Institutions or Research organisations, through the mobility of French and Palestinian researchers, and by fostering news structuring cooperations, strengthening relations with the private sector and encouraging the participation of young researchers. The program is open to all scientific fields.
This double application is necessary for the projects to be taken into consideration, and researchers from both teams must ensure that it is done.
The application has to be co-submitted by the French and Palestinian researchers by following Campus France online application procedure on the dedicated website
The deadline for submission of proposals is Monday 6th of July 2020 (before midnight).